Our Reverse auctions are a tailored to your needs with an automatic filtering process. This assists both the Seller and Buyers.
Sellers never see requests for quotes and enquiries for brands they don't stock. Allowing them focus only on the makes, models and parts they have available in stock.
For Buyers this allows your request for a quote to go directly to the sellers that stock the makes and models you are chasing. You have a variety of bids return all at once for NEW, USED & REBUILT parts saving time chasing parts calling supplier after supplier.
In a reverse auction the roles of bidder and seller are reversed.
A Buyer starts an auction with a request for quote and Sellers then bid on the parts, with prices often FALLING rather than rising.
Never be undercut
In this site the sellers can't see the other bids, so there is no chance of being deliberately undercut.
Get competitively priced parts
Auctions are based on what price the market will bear; they are competitor driven; they employ blind bidding and they embrace world-based pricing.
Connecting the right part
from the right sellers at
the right price
Pricing →
Buyers request
a specific part
Request sent to
sellers network
Sellers bid their
best prices
Buyers accept best quote
based on price and quality
Buyers pay the sellers
and they ship the part
Buyers and the sellers rate
the experience building
trust in the network
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