Connect Auto Parts Will Work for You

The Connect Auto Parts Marketplace will benefit all members from Buyers, to Sellers and Traders alike.

Part Suppliers

As sellers of car parts in the marketplace:

  1. You will only receive quotations from workshops and the general public for specific models they actually have available.
  2. You will no longer receive emails and calls on makes and models that you don’t even stock.
  3. You are able to be more competitive but without being undercut.
  4. Your quote goes direct to the buyer - no one can view your final price except for the buyer themself.
  5. The marketplace will introduce you to workshops and retailers that you may have never used before, expanding your reach.

Workshop Buyers

From workshops who buy car parts every day to the weekend hobbyist purchasing the odd part for their vehicle the benefits of the marketplace are real. Using Connect Auto Parts will make the prices more competitive, as everyone will receive the quote and have a chance to bid on it. This means as a buyer you are getting the guaranteed best price from the sellers network.

  1. You will be able to keep track of purchase orders, credits and warranties all on the same platform.
  2. You will be able to give the customer a variety of choice new used and rebuilt parts all at the same time.
  3. You will be able to send a number of quotes to a variety of suppliers at the same time for new, used and rebuilt options.
  4. Connect Auto Parts will take out the chase in chasing parts, the suppliers now chase you for your job offering you the best price and warranties they can offer to get you to purchase their parts.
  5. You will no longer having to just rely on your regular suppliers, Connect Auto Parts will open you up to suppliers you never knew existed and a huge range of parts from an aray of makes and models.

Purchasing your parts from the first couple of calls you make can be risky and expensive. Deal with registered qualified suppliers with knowledge who will be able to give you the information you need before purchasing the wrong parts.

General Public Buyers

Normally the general public are excluded from trading platforms but at Connect Auto Parts we understand you struggle as much to find the part you need at a price you can afford.  

  1. You will be able to compare responses to your part quotation requests from Retail, Workshops and Wreckers. Comparing new, used and rebuilt parts to make the right selection for your needs.
  2. Connect Auto Parts will take out the chase in chasing parts, part sellers will now chase you for your purchase with the best price and warranties they can offer to get you to purchase their parts.
  3. You will no longer having to just rely on sending emails to strangers on other platforms, Connect Auto Parts will open you up to suppliers in businesses with an ABN that you never knew existed, provide you assessment of their trust in the network through our 5 bolt rating system and most importantly, provide you with access to and a huge range of parts from a wide range of makes and models.

    The list of benefits goes on and on!!!

Connect Auto Parts is here to make the automotive parts world a much easier, safer and more affordable place.  We will save you time and keep more money in your pocket when shopping for your automotive parts.